Organic and Non-Organic Essential Oils

The Difference Between Organic and Non-Organic Essential Oils

Organic essential oils are oils that are derived from plants that are not grown with pesticides, fertilisers or other chemicals.

Acient essential oils are studiously selected, mostly sourced from primary sources, tested for purity and subjected to rigorous quality control standards. 

They have been sourcing and bottling Essential Oils for over 22 years gradually weeding out unreliable supply lines and always striving to improve quality and value.  



What Does Organic Mean?

First, there must be absolutely no Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) used in the entire process, from planting the seed to processing the oil. The soil where the plants grow must be clean of any prohibited substances applied to it for at least 3 years before the harvest of an organic crop. And of course, no harmful pesticides can be used. To control pests, weeds, and diseases, farmers use physical, mechanical, and biological efforts that are environmentally friendly. Another important point to consider about organic crops is these plants grow freely without the aid of synthetic fertilizers.

For these reasons and more, when you purchase a certified organic product, you are also helping to conserve biodiversity. This helps to ensure our natural landscapes and their ecosystems are maintained and intact for generations to come.


Why Buy Organic Oils?

 Ultimately, this is a completely personal choice. Some people only use organic products and some people prefer to when possible. And some are pretty indifferent to the choice either way.

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